What we believe

It is up to entrepreneurs, the younger generation and designers to take the lead in leaving the world a little better. OOMPH Industries is here to play their part.
If you want to help or share this belief we'd love to get in touch.

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Change isn't easy

OOMPH Industries takes a pragmatic approach to that belief: you can’t add anything to the world if you don’t want any emissions at all. Therefore we try to positively influence products and situations that have the biggest impact on our earth. As industrial designers, we turn to the industry and try to change them for the better. We don’t solve everything, but we are starting the transition. We’re finding a better way, a better material, a better production method.

The next step

Because of what we've learned in the past years from our ongoing festival waste analysis, we know how to stay on track to reduce campsite waste. We do this by upgrading the camping experience for visitors with tailor-made circular solutions.

Our minds are curious, always finding better ways, constantly rethinking and reinventing what we did before, from a company perspective or for society as a whole.

Our journey

  • 2024 - The call

    Having our systems checked and feedback from customers implemented on the mattress, we got the call: can you do more?

    'For sure, born ready; you know us' was the only answer we could come up with.

    Besides growing our mattress service internationally, we are now adding tents back into the mix. And more adventures will surely follow this year.

  • 2023 - Take off

    With the technical proof in our pockets, we were able to get amazing festivals locked onto the mission. Now, we needed to face the biggest test of them all: would the visitors order the service in real life? And they did! Thousands trusted us to provide peace of mind, still giving us goosebumps thinking of all those pre-orders coming in.

    Ready for test two: would they bring it back? And they did in unprecedented numbers!

  • 2022 - Ready, set, sleep

    Through this journey of trial-and-error we were able to perfect Zzz and our patent was published. After financing a full-fledged feasibility study, the first production round was launched. In the summer of 2022 the first festival lovers were able to sleep soundly on Zzz. We believe that Zzz is here to change and make us start on a more sustainable track. A mattress with purpose! Which is tirelessly engineered, tested and proven to be 200% comfortable.

  • 2021 - Refining Zzz

    We were deeply missing the body glitter and beats that would make our chests tremble, but nevertheless our minds were occupied with the Zzz land. During this time we handed in our patent application and our potential suppliers became super excited to have us when the new festival season would start. We perfected the inflation technology and machine to operate smoother and faster. And to finalize the mattress journey at the festival we also invented a machine to puncture each mattress after us for transportation and less emissions.

  • 2020 - Yes! Oh, no. Wait, wow!

    From the concept model we went straight back to the thinking cloud. We started the technical research to develop an airtight product and system. But then: pandemic. This stopped our development process completely. That’s why we focused on other ongoing projects and getting through this time safely and healthy. But we couldn’t leave our baby Zzz for that long, it was time for some nurturing. We hadn’t realized up until now how much impact Zzz was making, especially with its life cycle assessment.

  • 2019 - The Zzz before Zzz

    It’s 2019, Old Town Road is on the charts and we’re reaching out to our festival partners from 2017 and they’re extremely interested in our festival mattress service idea! And not only that, but there have been huge developments in the plastics recycling technology that made it possible to chemically recycle multilayer films. Which is exactly what we need to create a durable and comfortable mattress. We give ourselves a high five and get to work to develop the very first concept model.

  • 2018 - We’re just getting started!

    At the festivals we visited in 2017 we noticed an immense amount of single-use air mattresses that were sold on site. Through this we realized that presenting a complete tent was a bridge too far for the festival-goer, but a mattress apparently wasn’t. Unfortunately many of these single-air mattresses were left behind at the festival grounds. This made us think and there was only one logical next step: we had to find a way to replace–if not all camp gear— all these PVC mattresses for something better.

  • 2017 - Tucky: the bright orange blow-up tent

    Everything started with one question; ‘How can we lower the environmental impact of our favorite festivals?’. We saw the tidal waves of trash and felt the need to act on this. Studio Ninaber together with Joshua Klappe invented ‘Tucky’. A two-person tent and mattress for festival-goers. Tucky was the start to direct our focus on a full recyclable and one-material-only idea. Across seven festivals in the Netherlands Tucky could be booked. But… There was a challenge in scaling: it needed to be pre-pitched for the visitors.

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Reach out for more information or if you'd like to support our movement in any way